I want to start by thanking you all for your support in 2013 and wishing you a Happy New Year!

My team and I are now looking forward to all that 2014 has in store!


Lots has happened in the last few months!


The Statoil Masters Tennis 2013 held at the Royal Albert Hall in December was a fabulous success.  A glittering red carpet of sports stars and celebs, great tennis, nerve racking speeches "on court" and hugely generous supporters made for a night we will never forget.  Thanks to IMG and everyone involved in making it such a wonderful experience and helping support our future work! Click here to find out more and watch the film of the speeches)

You may have read that shortly before the Christmas break, we heard the marvellous news that Best Beginnings has been awarded a £866,022 grant by the Big Lottery Fund to help develop and launch a free smartphone app for new and expectant mothers (please click here to read more). We know that this is much needed and look forward to launching "Baby Buddy" in the coming year. If you are interested in this project, would like to be the first to hear updates, join our user group or give feedback please email [email protected]

We have been talking to young fathers, midwives, health visitors and social workers in Lambeth and Southwark about the idea of having a free phone app that supports fathers through pregnancy and early parenthood. See a film we made and more about apps for dads here.

The new funding for the Maternal Mental Health Films, Small Wonders and the Apps Project means that Best Beginnings is growing.  We are currently recruiting (please click here to go to our vacancies page)! This week we are delighted to welcome Helen Hunter as our new Business Development Manager.

Yesterday I spoke to over 150 health visitors and midwives at the Provide conference in Chelmsford about our work to reduce inequalities in child health.  It was wonderful to meet so many enthusiastic people and I look forward to working with them more this year!

I really look forward to writing to you more in what's set to be a great year...