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Most of us have a straightforward pregnancy with no medical problems, but it's important to know when you need to get medical help or advice without waiting for your next normal appointment. You should always call your doctor or midwife right away if any of these things happen to you:

  1. Bleeding from your vagina, especially if you have tummy cramps as well.
  2. Morning sickness so bad that you are throwing up everything you eat or drink.
  3. Unbearable itchiness on your skin - this could be a sign of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP).
  4. A severe headache that doesn't go away - this could be a sign of pre-eclampsia
  5. Problems with seeing (like blurred vision or flashing lights in front of your eyes) - this could be a sign of pre-eclampsia.
  6. Sudden swelling up of your face, hands or feet (gradual swelling is normal) - this could be a sign of pre-eclampsia.
  7. Your baby isn’t moving as much as normal.

Getting one or more of these symptoms doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem, but the doctor or midwife will want to check it out to be on the safe side. If you can’t speak to your midwife or doctor, phone the hospital for advice. The phone numbers will be on the front of your maternity notes. If you can't get hold of a health professional, go to A&E.

If you get sudden heavy bleeding or blood clots from your vagina, and/or severe tummy pains that don’t go away, this is more serious and you’ll need to go to hospital right away. Call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

To find out more about vaginal discharge and bleeding when you're pregnant, watch the video.