On Wednesday May 30th 2018, Manor Park Community Children’s Centre (MPCCC) hosted the launch of the Baby Buddy app in Newham, East London.


Parents enjoyed baby sensory and rhyme time, as well as learning about Baby Buddy resources


Despite cuts to many Children’s Centres, MPCCC remains a pillar in the Newham community for young families. The centre serves 5000 children per year from all over Newham and has now officially launched Baby Buddy as a tool to support local parents and practitioners.


The fun-filled event welcomed upwards of 40 parents with young ones; and offered an opportunity to learn about Baby Buddy and the empowering information that it provides.


MPCC has now completed its embedding workshops; a process that included Co-creation & Planning workshops and a Perinatal Mental Health module. Overall 24 Baby Buddy Champions have been trained in Newham, in order to integrate our resources into local practice. Over the next year, together with MPCCC, we will monitor the uptake of Baby Buddy and work to reach as many families as possible. 


10 of the amazing 24 Baby Buddy Champions trained at MPCCC


Also attending the launch were representatives from the Newham Maternity Voices Partnership. Harnessing the voices of all parents is vital for an MVP to influence improvements to local services.


If you would like to get involved with your local Maternity Voices Partnership, search the national MVP website HERE


Baby Buddy is now an integrated part of MPCCC’s practice