Best Beginnings' ambassador, supermodel, humanitarian and now an author, Eunice Olumide MBE dishes the how-to on breaking into the most exclusive industry in the world in her new book How To Get Into Fashion: A Complete Guide for New Faces, Models and Creative Talent. The book goes into sales tomorrow, Saturday 15th September.

Eunice Olumide photo  

Eunice Olumide MBE and Brenda Emmanus                        

From getting started with an agent to dealing with rejection, How To Get Into Fashion is a comprehensive guidebook for anyone interested in starting a career in fashion. With advice for prospective models, photographers, fashion
writers, stylists and more, Eunice shares not only her expertise as an accomplished model, but also an insight into each corner of the trade. The book addresses such controversies as the plus-size modelling discrimination, nudity in fashion and model diets and eating habits.

Eunice Olumide photo 

Annaliese Dayes and Eunice Olumide MBE                                 

"This book is not only for those who want to get into the fashion industry but to encourage self-belief and the importance of being humble,
kind and loving to everything and everyone. When you do make it, never be selfish; remember those who have helped and inspired you on the
way and seek to help and motivate others in any way you can. "

-Eunice Olumide MBE

Eunice Olumide and Alison Baum photo

Alison Baum, CEO and Founder of Best Beginnings, Jill Wrenn, Best Beginnings' ambassador with her fellow ambassadors Eunice Olumide MBE and Laura Doggett and Eunice´s husband, gymnast and gold medalist in the Commonwealth Games, Steve Frew. 

Mentioning her support of Best Beginnings in her new book, Eunice is using her high status and platform to raise awareness of our work which we are immensely grateful for. Alison Baum, CEO and Founder of Best Beginnings, attended the Book Launch with star studded team of celebrities and spoke about the work of Best Beginnings and how Eunice is supporting us every step of the way.

Eunice was awarded an MBE for her services to arts, broadcasting and charities. Her generosity and support is one of a kind as she uses her platform to support charities such as Best Beginnings, The Children’s Hospice and was asked to be an ambassador for the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer Campaign.

We are ever so grateful for Eunice's support to our work and give her our heartfelt congratulations to her newest achievement.