Baby Buddy Launched In Blackpool On the morning of 25th November our Baby Buddy app, made with the support of The Big Lottery Fund, had its own, very special launch in Blackpool. Baby Buddy was featured that night on Granada. You can watch the film here. The launch took place at the Claremont Children's Centre, with attendees enjoying speeches from Sarah Lambert from Blackpool Council as well as from our CEO, Alison Baum. Throughout the day there were introductions to the features on Baby Buddy and opportunities for guests to network and learn about using the app effectively. There was a lot of media interest on the day on Twitter and from local broadcasters, which included a segment on Granada TV about the launch, which you can watch here.More information on Baby Buddy and how you can be a part of it's development can be found on our 'Get Involved' page.If you are a healthcare professional, you can also order leaflets and posters to help promote the use of the Baby Buddy App in your services. Details can be found here: Manage Cookie Preferences