Our Vision VisionThrough supporting all parents, co-parents and care-givers to give their children the best beginning in life, we will help the whole of society now and for the future. MissionBy providing expert support and practical help, largely through our free parenting app, Baby Buddy, we give parents, co-parents and caregivers the knowledge and confidence to take good care of themselves and support them to build healthy, happy lives for their children. We are here for all families, with an unwavering commitment to reducing inequalities. How we workAs a parenting charity, we focus our work on the ‘window of opportunity’ from preconception to a child’s fifth birthday, where the foundations for a healthy and happy life are laid. We forge partnerships and collaborate with: Mothers, fathers, co-parents and other care-givers Local communities, grass-roots and professional organisations, volunteers, front-line professionals and service providers Academics and policymakers Our work informs and empowers parents and other care-givers of all backgrounds to build the knowledge and confidence they need to look after themselves and to provide nurturing care for their children. We use our data-driven approach and the latest research and evidence about pregnancy and early years development to inform our work, so parents and health professionals can trust that the support that we offer will lead to better outcomes. We provide mothers, fathers, co-parents and other care-givers easy access to additional support, including the 24/7 Baby Buddy Emotional Support Helpline, as no one should have to face a crisis alone. We inform and influence policy, with a focus on working to reduce inequalities across health and the early years, to maximise the health, wellbeing and life-chances of young children from all backgrounds. Manage Cookie Preferences