About Latest Blog How do I increase my milk supply when I'm breastfeeding? This information is available and taken from Baby Buddy app, verified by experts in our Editorial Board including representatives from Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and Royal College of Psychiatrists as well as other key health organisations in the UK. To download Baby Buddy, visit the relevant app store of your choice: You can increase your milk supply by taking more milk out of your breasts - that could be by giving your baby extra feeds or expressing milk after a feed. This tells your body to make more milk. Don't worry if your breasts feel softer than in the first weeks or you don't leak as much as you did - that doesn't mean you haven't got enough milk, it means your milk supply is in balance with what your baby is drinking. Watch the video to find out how keeping your baby close to you can increase your milk supply: If you are worried, talk to your health visitor or midwife or call a breastfeeding helpline or use 'Baby Around' feature in Baby Buddy app to find out if there are any breastfeeding support groups nearby. Manage Cookie Preferences