Failure to fully address perinatal mental health problems carries a total economic and social long-term cost to society of over £8 billion for each one-year cohort of births in the UK, according to a new report ‘The costs of perinatal mental health problems’ released today by the London School of Economics and Centre for Mental Health.


Best Beginnings is a member of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance which commissioned this report as part of its ‘Everyone’s Business’ campaign. The #everyonesbusiness campaign calls for all women throughout the UK who experience perinatal mental health problems, to receive the care they and their families need, wherever and whenever they need it.


Launching officially in Parliament on Tuesday 21st October, the report finds that the costs of mental health problems among women in pregnancy are far greater than previously thought; the cost to the public sector of perinatal mental health problems is five times greater than the cost of providing the services that are needed throughout the United Kingdom.

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