Small Wonders makes big splash at national launch The Small Wonders DVD was launched for use in England on Tuesday 19 June at Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in central London.The launch received detailed coverage from the BBC, which can be seen at launch event was well attended by a variety of supporters including representatives from six medical royal colleges and many third sector organisations, healthcare professionals, parents, corporate supporters and representatives of funding organisations. See the short film below for some highlights from the launch day. The evening event included a series of speeches hosted by parent of a premature baby and former BBC newsreader Rachel Ellison MBE. To see films of all the speeches from the event, click here.Other parents of sick and premature babies who actually appeared in the DVD were present to talk about their experiences and why they feel this intervention is so important. The parents' inspiring speeches and clips from the DVD meant there was hardly a dry eye in the house and many guests approached Best Beginnings staff after the presentations to say how touched they were.Words of support came from presidents of 3 royal colleges – Dr Tony Falconer from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Prof. Lesley Page from Royal College of Midwives, and Dr Hilary Cass from Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health – and from speech and language therapist Annie Aloysius who talked about her role as a Small Wonders Champion. Rachel Ellison MBE introduces Prof. Lesley Page Dr Tony Falconer addresses the guests Sinem Shacolas, one of the parents in the Small Wonders DVD, talks about her experiences Dr Hilary Cass, President of RCPCH Best Beginnings Chair Prof. Alan Maryon-Davis The audience enjoys the presentations Gina Miller from Miller Philanthropy talked about why her grant giving trust supports Best Beginnings and encouraged people to dig deep to help the charity reach its target of £150,000 in unrestricted funds by the end of July. These funds are vital for Best Beginnings to continue its valuable work into the future. You can donate at strategist Aladin gave a fun demonstration of the importance of collaboration.Best Beginnings Chair Prof. Alan Maryon-Davis and I explained the importance of the Small Wonders National Change Programme and thanked the 400+ network of Champions, healthcare professionals who are working with Best Beginnings to ensure optimum implementation of the DVD and change programme in their units.After the presentations, guests went upstairs to meet the Best Beginnings team whilst enjoying live jazz and magic by Aladin. Guests enjoyed sparkling conversations and tasty food after the presentations The jazz band kept everyone entertained A programme for the evening's events The Small Wonders DVD is part of a national change programme to to support families of sick and premature babies to be at the centre of their baby’s care in ways that are known to improve health outcomes. Over 60,000 copies have already been distributed. To find out more about the change programme, click here. Manage Cookie Preferences