Update on the Maternal Mental Health Film Project Since our last stakeholder day held in June last year, we have made great progress with the Maternal Mental Health project. Thank you to all of those that came, your input has fed in to the development of a selection of films that will empower parents, support the early identification of maternal mental health problems and prevent many of the negative effects on families. Updates on all of the films are below: Baby Buddy app films The input we received at the stakeholder day contributed to the creation of a framework and film ‘treatments’ for these films. You may recall that there will be over 100 short films going in to the Baby Buddy app with over 40 of these concerning maternal mental health. A lot of filming has taken place with the families you helped us recruit and we are now at the editing and processing stage. Our Editorial Board will be reviewing the first batch of these films which will then be shown to a representative sample of Baby Buddy app users for their input; this will include women who have had mental health problems. The six longer films for the DVD Thanks to those of you who also fed back on the ‘treatments’ for the six longer films. We are sifting through the footage and are editing it into the ‘rough cuts’, these are the first edits that give the films their structure. We have some really good footage of women talking about their experiences of severe mental health problems, and of their experiences in Mother and Baby Units. We are still seeking women who may not have received a mental health diagnosis but may have experienced problems during pregnancy or after the birth of their child. If you have any connections with women or with support groups who could help us please get in touch with David, our Maternal Mental Health project lead. ([email protected]). Professional facing films We have got some good footage of women talking about their experiences in general practice however we are also encouraging women to talk about their experiences (both good and bad) of health and social care services. Maternal Mental Health Drama with White Boat TV Thank you to all for your comments on the ‘treatment’ for the drama. We are very excited to let you know that the first draft of the script has been written and will be sent out to those of you who volunteered to be on the script reviewing group soon. Manage Cookie Preferences