LGBT+ mums study 

A joint project between Best Beginnings, the University of Huddersfield and LGBT Mummies is carrying out research about birthing and non-birthing LGBTQ+ women’s perinatal experiences.  

We want to find out about your experiences of pregnancy, birth, and parenting a baby (up to a year old).  

The research will involve a video interview lasting about an hour, reading content on a pregnancy app (about 30 minutes), and a short follow up survey (15 minutes). As a thank you for your time we can offer you a £20 gift voucher for taking part in the interview, and a further £15 gift voucher for reading the pregnancy app content and completing the survey.  

To take part you must be: 

  • Currently aged 18 or over 
  • An LGBTQ+ woman who has either: 
  • Conceived a baby with another woman (whether you or you partner gave birth, even if you are no longer in that relationship) 
  • Or conceived a baby as a solo parent  
  • Your youngest child must be less than two years old 
  • Currently living in the UK, and at least one of your children must have been born in the UK 

Due to the focus of this study, we are only examining experiences of parenthood where at least one of the mothers was pregnant. 

Thank you for your interest 

Thanks so much for your interest in our research project. As of 31 October 2022, we have recruited a good number of prospective participants for the research and as a result we have closed the form. We will be contacting everyone who has signed up in the next few days to let them know next steps.

Best Beginnings is very grateful for all the feedback related to recent posts we put out inviting LGBT+ mums to volunteer to participate in our research project.

To ensure as wide a pool of participants as possible we titled recent posts 'Calling all LGBT+ women who are parents'. We wanted to ensure that both birthing parents and non-birthing parents felt able to come forward, especially given that there is almost no research looking at non-birthing parent experiences among LGBT+ mums. However, we understand that because this research will not look at all routes to parenting (it is limited to women who have given birth or whose partners have given birth) this title is a bit misleading and we're very sorry for any distress caused as a result.

We have learned from all the feedback received and will work to ensure that all our future communications are as clear as possible.

We will continue to work towards our aims of developing content for the Baby Buddy app which reflects the full diversity of parenting experiences in our society, and creating more tailored support to benefit all parents. We aim to create content that supports new and expectant parents, whatever their gender, sexuality or route to parenthood.

More information 

If you would like to find out more, please email Mari Greenfield [email protected].  

This research is funded by the Garfield Weston Foundation. 

Please note: Following this research and project work there will be work to ensure accessible support for gay dads, trans dads and non-binary parents too 🏳️‍🌈