Out of the Blue Films Launched Out of the Blue Films Out of the Blue is a series of films, created by Best Beginnings, to help take the country to the Tipping Point where everyone knows that mental health is as important as physical health. In Baby Buddy there are currently 83 Out of the Bue films, in addition to 200+ other films. The Out of the Blue films:12 short films to help you understand your baby and support bonding, and support your baby's brain development64 short films to support your mental health in pregnancy and after your baby is born7 documentary films including an introduction to maternal mental health, a film for fathers and films on OCD and PTSD HRH The Duchess of Cambridge The Out of the Blue launched at The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on the 23rd March 2017. The release of the films took place following years of collaborative work among parents, health care professionals, Royal Colleges and other health organisations. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge's speech at the Out of the Blue launch was powerful and honest and has shone a light on the mental health issues that 1 in 5 women face during pregnancy and the year after birth. Heads Together Best Beginnings Mothers' Day Duchess of Cambridge Speech from InVision Communications on Vimeo. Conversations are crucial for mental wellbeing and they should be part of everyday family life. The Out of the Blue films were made with real families who had come through the other side of mental health problems during pregnancy and after birth. The parent contributors shared their stories to help start conversations about mental health, increase awareness and end the stigma. Best Beginnings are exceptionally proud to work with these families and the health professionals who helped to shape these films. Where to watch Out of the Blue You can watch Out of the Blue in our free multi-award winning Baby Buddy App or online on our web vesion. The Duchess meets the parents Following her speech, The Duchess of Cambridge met with many of the parent contributors from the Out of the Blue series. Discussing mental health should be the norm, you would tell your friends or co-workers if you had broken your leg, and mental health should be discussed in the same open manner. Heads Together and the Mental Health Marathon The Duchess, alongside The Duke and Prince Harry, is spearheading the Heads Together campaign, of which Best beginnings is an official charity partner. The Out of the Blue launch event took place exactly one month before the Virgin Money 2017 London Marathon, for which Heads Together is the Official Charity of the Year and is hoping to make it a 'mental health marathon'. Manage Cookie Preferences