Can it really be six weeks since we got back from Paris? A lot has happened since then with our upcoming projects and also with our existing projects. I’ll be posting again in the next week or two with a more detailed update when a few key deadlines have passed. Today I am simply touching-base to let you know a couple of things.

Firstly, I want to let you know that our 2009-2010 Illustrated Accounts and Trustees’ Report are now finished.
Click here to find out more and to download a copy. A big thank you to Lee Hall, our Operations Manager, for designing them for us. I’m sure you’ll agree he has done a fantastic job.  I would also like to thank all of you who supported Best Beginnings last year and helped us to exceed our targets and make even more of a difference than we thought possible. Here’s to the same next year!

Secondly, I want to take a moment to wish Leon, (who cycled all the way to Paris in a baby outfit), and Vanessa his beautiful (and brave) new bride my heartfelt congratulations on their marriage.  Below is a fun little film that Marianne Souliez made, pro-bono, for Leon and Vanessa’s big day.

Very best wishes