Our Impact Evaluation reports Experiences of LGBTQ+ mums and non-binary parents Read our report Over the past decade changes in UK legislation have altered the ways in which LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people can become parents. Evidence suggests that more openly LGBTQ+ people are having children each year, yet little is known about their needs or experiences. Using funding from the Garfield Weston Foundation, Best Beginnings, in partnership with LGBT Mummies and the University of Huddersfield, commissioned research to find out about the needs of LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people who had become parents in the last two years. Separate pieces of research are also currently underway to investigate the needs and experiences of GBTQ+ men in their journey to becoming a parent. The findings from this research show that LGBTQ+ women and non-binary parents had mixed experiences of services when trying to conceive, during pregnancy and birth, and in the early postnatal period. It suggests that changes to practice may not have kept pace with changes in legal and policy frameworks, but also highlights examples of excellent practice and support. There is significant room to improve the formal and informal perinatal support for LGBTQ+ women and non-binary parents, and we will be working to produce resources and support for this community through our Baby Buddy app. Please read the full report here or the summary report here. Share your views on new content for LGBTQ+ parents Best Beginnings we will be creating new films and articles for Baby Buddy App that will offer tips and advice to support the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ+ parents on their journey to parenthood. We have identified a list of topics for these films and would love to gather feedback. Please share your views on this form. We are also looking for parent contributors who could share their experiences on camera, so let us know on the form if you’re keen to be involved! Manage Cookie Preferences