Testimonials If you are interested to find out how Best Beginnings can work with you to meet your stratetic priorities in your area please contact us here. "The key target matters selected within the Baby Buddy app were breastfeeding and perinatal mental health. BF rates in our area are significantly lower than National rates and perinatal mental health training within midwifery and children centres varied. The aim of promoting the app was to increase awareness to families but also provide awareness training for staff in perinatal mental health. The app has assisted the staff with a tool to enhance the conversation at consultations. The videos are seen as an excellent support to re-enforce information and at one point our area was the top area for downloads of the app Nationally and our county was fifth which was an excellent result and demonstrated the hard work of all the staff." -a Specialist Health Visitor (infant feeding) "I used the breastfeeding videos in Baby Buddy with a first time mum who was having difficulty breastfeeding and had limited English and resources at home to teach her about attachment positioning etc. The next time I visited her, her breast feeding had improved and she commented on the impact the video had made for her." -a Midwife "I was working with a first time mum and recommended the Small Wonders resources in Baby Buddy app, as she was expecting to have her baby early and was expressing colostrum. She told me she felt more confident to have her baby early after watching videos about it." -a Lactation consultant at a Children's centre "I worked with a very anxious mum struggling with mental health issues, who frequently 'googled' information about cot death. Using Baby Buddy daily, I found reduced her anxiety and increased her confidence." -a Health visitor Learn more about how to use Baby Buddy in your local care pathway as business-as-usual practice. To find out how Best Beginnings can work with you in your area please contact us here. Manage Cookie Preferences